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Frequently asked questions

Which are the cities you currently serve?
We are currently delivering your favourite burgers in 50+ cities from South & West.
I am from North and East of India, how can I avail of delivery services?
For customers residing in North and East of India, you could avail of delivery by visiting:
Can I order from any location in the serviceable cities?
We only serve in select location in a serviceable city. To check if you fall within the serviceable area, please login to the app and select your location on the map displayed.
How do I contact customer care?
You can contact us by writing into us or by dialling 02266000666.
Is there a minimum order value?
No, we don't have a minimum order value.
Do you charge for the delivery?
Yes, we charge a delivery charge.
How much time do you take to deliver?
We strive to deliver your orders as soon as possible, however it should reach you within a maximum of 40 minutes.
My order is delayed
We are sorry to hear that, please call us on 02266000666 and we will resolve it ASAP.
Can I order in advance?
Yes, you can order upto 2 days in advance.
What are your operating hours?
Operating hours vary from store to store, and you can check the operating time of your neighbourhood store by selecting the store locator.
Do you serve breakfast?
Select stores serve breakfast. To check if your neighbourhood store delivers breakfast, please select the store locator.
How can I add special instructions to my order?
You can tell us your preferences in the 'Special Instructions' section available at order confirmation.
Can I customize my order?
Yes, you can customize your burgers and orders from the list of available options. You can also save the customization so that you can access it quicker the next time around.
Can I redeem multiple coupons on a single order?
Sorry, you cannot club multiple coupons in a single order.
How can I track my order?
You can track your order by clicking on the Order Tracking option in the mobile app.
I did not receive the complete order
We are sorry to hear that, please call us on 02266000666 and we will resolve it ASAP.
Do I need to register to place an order?
You need not register to place an order, we allow a guest checkout.
How do I register?
Once you open the app, click on the profile icon and you can register yourself in a few easy steps.
I did not get OTP (One Time Password) code on my mobile
Sometimes there could be a delay in receiving the OTP due to network congestion. If you still haven't received it within a few minutes, please call us on 02266000666 and we will help you out.
I have forgotten my password.
You can click on the profile icon in the app and select 'Forgot Password' to help you reset your password.
I want to unsubscribe from promotional emails and SMS
Please email us on with your contact information and we will unsubscribe you.
Where can I get coupons?
You can see your coupons by opening the offers section in the app.
Unable to use my coupon
Please check that you are satisfying all the terms and conditions of the coupon. If you are still unable to redeem the coupon, please call us on 02266000666 and we will be happy to resolve it for you.
My payment option failed, but my order wasn't placed. When do I get my refund?
Not to worry, we will refund the amount to the payment mode you selected within 10 days.
I am facing an issue with website / app
Please email us on with your contact information and we will unsubscribe you.
How does the referral program work?
On selecting the 'Refer a friend' option, you will be given a code, which your friend will have to use when registering on the McDelivery app for the first time.